There's a reason Trump wanted a defense secretary who won't blink at using the military to put down protests. It's going to have to be strikes.

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I concur.

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“AI could generate enough wealth to end poverty, shorten workweeks, and guarantee healthcare for all. Instead, it’s being weaponized to cement a neo-feudal order.”

This bit makes me quite sad. We should already be working 4-day workweeks. Or even 6-hour days! With universal basic income! But nope, we have to accept outdated wages and outdated worker protections. Revolution is definitely coming.

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> Revolution is definitely coming.

I'd love to think so. But. Visit Mumbai (or Miami) if you want to see how bad things can get; the levels of inequality which people can tolerate.

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the world is watching but let me say very few of us have any real faith in the American people. they are a complacent populace unwilling to fight even if the world goes down with them. very pathetic.

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I believe that the American people will, ultimately, do the right thing.

"Arc of the moral universe is long, but bends towards justice" - MLK

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thus far they've given us no reason to believe so and we're not holding our breaths. second time the country has elected Trump. good job guys. Americans simply do not fucking care.

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Only 31% of us voted for Trump

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Correction: Not every American.

Just sit back and thank the heavens and universe you aren’t the “American” you seem to seethe.

Have a little grace, please. ✌🏻

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One where I disagree with Dr K.

The moral arc is a pendulum swing.

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As an American. I have to agree but I think a lot of us are exhausted. It's been such a hard ten years. I can only hope my fellow Americans snap to their senses.

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“ A Prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people”…It’s right there in our Declaration of Independence!!!…

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I have been waiting for this article. This is where we are.

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Awesome article right on point.

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Great piece. A friend sent me the link. We should collaborate sometime!

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If you take what they are doing to it's logical conclusion it really means their eventual goal is not corporate feudalism but elimination and annihilation of all non-elites.Your utility as a worker won't be needed. Think of Gaza as a testing ground for what is next for the rest of us.

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That's a fair point.

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It already seems that Trump is trying to kill us.

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Finally, finally seeing posts such as this one. People aren't making the connection between technological advances and its impact on the MOTIVES and policy decisions people in power are making.

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"The working class built this nation."

No, it didn't. Slaves did.

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Are slaves workers? Yes or no? It's unpaid labor, but labor all the same.

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What actually did "the slaves" build? They built nothing. They were farm laborers, in the south. That is why the south lost because they were gentrified and had no manufacturing. Amercica was build by the working class...in the north where manufacturing innovation took place. The fk?

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time and time again, it always comes down to dragging backward thinking conservatives into the future by progressives so all groups can be at the same level to take on the rich. But no every con things they can get rich instantly like the same modern day 1%er's who are actually their slave runners, smh

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Ultimately, the essay is a reminder of the stakes: that the future is not guaranteed to be better unless it is fought for. It demands a broader vision, one where fear of disruption is replaced with the courage to embrace systemic change. The underlying message is clear: history is not only a mirror but a tool—and what we choose to build with it now will define the decades to come.

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I have been wondering why no one was writing about this. This is where we are today.

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Michael Eisner once had a meeting with some of his reports. His first complaint was that, thanks to his managment skills, Disney was producing a major animated film every three years. However, the current management couldn’t keep up the pace. His second complaint was that he wanted to know why they were giving so much money to Pixar.

The reason for the three years between films wasn’t because of Eisner, but because of a product called CAPS, which had replaced the multiplane camera for compositing animation many years before. CAPS was a computer based system developed by Pixar and a team at Disney led by Roy Disney. That was what all the money to Pixar was for. Eisner also complained how much money had gone to Roy Disney’s group.

The choke point for animated films had been the compositing. After CAPS, it moved to the editorial prrocess. After going through films in the pipeline, the time for the editing actually became longer because it was easier for top management to make last minute changes, which they did with great frequency.

A lot of the problems today aren’t with AI, it’s because they don’t see a need to review AI designs or make sure qualified people look at the designs. That’s how you end up with the 737 MAX. The problems really go back to the 1980’s or even earlier. The Dunning-Krueger effect is a major cause. What got me was that even the people writing books on these disasters didn’t understand how bad they were.

By the way, what’s going to happen when the world starts refusing products by Boeing, Microsoft, and many others.

To a large extent, this is the problem with cutting the costs without understanding the impacts. Management then tries to deny the problems by lying.

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Human review is underrated.

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American Eulogy …. The good people of the world mourn the passing of the American empire … Once admired as the land of opportunity … now led by corrupt and reprobate minds …. The Protector of the free world … now aligns with the axis of evil and celebrates a season of depravity …. Fools, ignorant and greedy serve as foot soldiers …. Hopefully a moral society will return from the ashes.

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We can only hope that it follows the example of the French Revolution… except with the guillotines being broadcast on Pay Per View…

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I like the way you think, it's like bread, circuses and transformation all at the same time, what's not to love?

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Yes. And the PPV money can go towards funding Head Start or paying people’s medical debt. Everyone wins - other than the oligarchs.

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